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Capstone Project

What is a Capstone? The Capstone Project is a process in which students pursue independent research on a question or problem of their choice, engage with the scholarly debates in the relevant disciplines, and - with the guidance of a faculty mentor - produce a substantial project that reflects deep understanding. 
By completing the Capstone Project the Conservatory Student will be recognized by Certificate during Honors Night.

Dreama O'Neal

Dreama O'Neal completed her Capstone Project in Theater.


Project "Somnum Exterreri - Nightmare"

Zaria Schaffer

Zaria Schaffer was the first Capstone Completer in 2017. 

Project "Women In Jazz"

Capstone Completers


Samantha Jenkins ~ Band
Dreama O'Neal ~  Theater
Kylie Soto ~ Theater
Skylar Stone ~ Theater

Capstone Completers



Capstone Completers


Zaria Schaffer ~ Band

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